Greetings from Canada!
Today we received 4 postcards and 3 are from our friend Stephanie in Canada. Thank you so very much Stephanie for the wonderful postcards from Toronto, Niagara, and Marine Land Canada (Its is somewhat like USA's Sea World Park). This is so amazing. I myself have only been as far as just within the Canadian Boarder for part of the Niagara Falls tour. I would have loved to travel further into Canada. That was a great family trip and we can now create one with our daughter. I had never heard of the Marine Land Canada until this postcard we will be sure to add that as a place to visit when we travel to Canada. The Toronto postcard is a wonderfully pristine cityscape view how amazing. The Niagara postcard is bursting with rushing wasters from an elevated aerial view. We hope you enjoy our latest postcard additions from around the globe.
PS I recall on my family trip that the buses are referred to as people movers we loved that interesting fact so much I remembered it! We learned more interesting facts at: