It's Raining Postcards!

It's Raining Postcards!

New postcards!

After today's field trip, my daughter and I went home to check the mail. Low and behold two more postcards from Debi & Joe! We received one from Paris, France! This card displays the magnificent work of a stain glass window from La Sainte-Chapelle. The postcard reads: These beautiful windows in La Sainte-Chapellein Paris, France. There is an entire floor with windows like these. You could sit for hours just staring at the magical light that shines through.

The second postcard which is also from Debi & Joe is from Madrid, Spain. The card reads: saying hello from Madrid, Spain. The magnificent building on the card is the main post office and city hall. The fountain is named after Cibeles, the Goddess of Fertility. it is one of the many beautiful plazas in Spain.

As of now with three postcards and counting Debi & Joe you hold the award for the most postcards received by one(two) sender(s). Thank you again for all your help thus far keep them coming if you can and we will continue to post what we learn.
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